How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies Without Brown Sugar?

How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies Without Brown Sugar? - Cookies Stacked

Here at the Cravory, every once in a while we put together a recipe that turns into an accidental hit. From time to time, we post a baking suggestion that was supposed to be something our followers might bake occasionally, almost on a whim. But then it turns into a go-to recipe for home cooks everywhere, by way of complete surprise.

It's funny how things like that catch you off-guard, and that is exactly the case with this recipe. Who would have guessed that a simple cookie recipe, minus a pretty key ingredient, would win the hearts of so many people? 

This particular offering is healthy enough to qualify as a breakfast cookie owing to its high protein and low sugar content without compromising on the flavor profile usually associated with rich chocolate chip cookies. If you are looking for something hearty and classic with family-pleasing cheer almost guaranteed, this one is for you. 

Let's get to it, starting with the tools and utensils, then the ingredients, followed by a quick step-by-step instruction. Enjoy, and remember to have fun!

Utensils and Equipment Required

  • Cookie Sheet with Parchment Paper (don't neglect the parchment paper, this helps the cookies from spreading and going flat. Alternatively, you can use a silicon baking sheet)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Cookie Scoop 


  • 1 peeled banana: The riper the banana is, the better! Usually, you can place bananas in a brown paper bag for a few hours to speed up the ripening process if that helps. Bananas are lovely and sweet, of course, which is why we don’t need that added brown sugar.
  • 1 cup of greek yogurt: Plain and natural - don't attempt this with anything else!
  • 1 egg: From your finest hen!
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt: Sea salt brings a lovely twist to the recipe if you have it. If you don't, regular salt is fine.
  • 1 cup of oat flour: You can substitute for regular flour if you like, but oat flour seems to work very well with the banana in this recipe.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder 
  • Chocolate chips: We prefer using dark chocolate chips here at The Cravory, but you can use any kind you like.

We told you it was simple! As you can see from the ingredients, this is a very basic recipe without much fuss. Don't you sometimes find that absolute baking miracles are born out of the easiest recipes? Maybe that is why this recipe has become so popular, who knows?

Now let's go through the (also quite simple) instructions for the preparation, baking, and serving. Grab your pinny, and let's go!

Step 1

Start with the wet ingredients. First, peel the banana, breaking it into two pieces and placing it in a mixer. Next, add the greek yogurt and egg. The idea with this recipe is for the banana to replace the missing sugar content while also enhancing the flavor profile with the distinctive taste that the banana brings. 

The egg will provide a little protein and also help bind the ingredients together. Go ahead and mix the ingredients together, but don't overmix - 30 seconds or so should do the trick.

Step 2

Next, we will start adding the dry ingredients by adding the salt (sea salt is a great substitute for table or cooking salt if you have it handy), baking powder, and oat flour. Blend together for one minute, and be careful not to overmix. 

The end result of this mix is a cookie dough that has very little sugar content and is high in fiber. Most of the sugar here comes from the chocolate chips, but of course, you control the amount you wish to add, so if you want to keep the sugar content way down, go liberal with the chips. Simple. 

Next, go ahead and add the chocolate chip cookies. Anywhere from a quarter to half an ounce of chips should be fine. Give the dough a quick 2 or 3-second pulse just to combine the chips into the mix.

Step 3

The fun part begins with the baking! Take out golf-ball-sized pieces of dough using your cookie scoop, mix together by hand before ripping them apart quite roughly, and remolding the ball, with the rough side on the outside. This will give you a nice rustic feel to the cookie - if you prefer something a little smoother, skip the rip.

Place each prepared ball onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or, even better, a silicon baking mat. Place the baking tray in the preheated oven at 400 F, and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

You might want to test with one or two cookies first, just to ensure the timing is perfect. No ovens are created equally, of course, and times may vary just slightly, but usually, 12 minutes is a perfect time here.

Finally, Enjoy!

Again, this isn't a complicated recipe, but it seems to really hit the right spot in terms of taste and texture. The addition of the banana really helps to bring a different angle to the flavor profile here and also provides a rather lovely lingering aroma to the cookies, which your folks will appreciate!

Simple Often Ticks the Right Box

Sometimes simplicity seems to hit the spot and deliver huge baking satisfaction with very little effort. In that spirit, we bring you this straightforward little masterpiece. The humble but delectable chocolate chip cookie without brown sugar. The only thing for you to do now is to enjoy them without missing a single crumb. 

Don't forget to check back for updates. We post new recipes quite frequently and have a serious passion for magical baking recipes, so please make sure to keep an eye out for our latest creations!

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